Affordable Housing: 50 Dwellings, March

Client: Accent Group

This site on Norwood Road in March will become home to 50 affordable units for valued client, Accent Group.

Continuing our relationship with Accent and Minster Property Group, this development in March will use modern methods of construction in the form of timber frame to deliver 50 affordable rent homes; all with an EPC-A rating! The finish of the homes will be a mixture of both red and buff brick.

Throughout the course of this project, Burmor and Accent Housing are committed to generating an estimated £2 million in social value return. This significant contribution is made possible through the use of the local supply chain and steadfast community support initiatives. By engaging and empowering local businesses within our supply chain, we aim not only to bolster the regional economy but also to foster sustainable growth within the community.

We look forward to working alongside Ryan Dodd from Calford Seaden, and another collaboration with DT Architects and BSP Consulting.

The Quantity Surveyor running this project is Cameron Harris and the Site Manager is Alex Lowndes.


Affordable Housing: 55 Dwellings, Gaul Road, March


Affordable Housing: 76 Dwellings, Terrington St Clement